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The Finest Divorce RepresentationThrought Los Angeles

Experienced, Aggressive, and Expert Attorneys to Ensure the Best Results on All Matters of Family Law

Joseph Land | Lead Attorney

Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer

At Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer, we understand that a family law dispute is probably the most challenging experience that an individual will ever have to go through. It can be tough to make informed decisions when you’re emotionally charged and extremely frustrated. The stakes can be even higher if children are involved. Retaining the services of a skilled and experienced family law attorney can help you secure the best outcomes for you and your loved ones. We come in and give you sound, objective advice and guidance.

We have extensive experience handling family law matters and serving families throughout Los Angeles County. Whether you’re seeking a prenuptial agreement before your wedding or are seeking spousal support after a divorce, we’ll aggressively defend your interests and fight to protect your rights and achieve the most favorable outcome for your delicate case. This approach allows us to secure fair property settlements, generous alimony and child support orders, and favorable child custody orders for our clients. We respect and value your input and work with you every step of the process.

 5 Things to Do Before You File for Divorce in Los Angeles

  • Understand Your Marital Estate: Before seeking legal representation, it is important to understand the extent of your marital estate, which comprises the assets and debts you and your spouse/partner have acquired during marriage. Itemize what belongs to the marriage as well as separate property and debts that should be addressed during the divorce proceedings.
  • Gather Financial Documents: Divorce cases heavily rely on documentation. Financial account records, mortgages, car notes, and phone records are all likely relevant to the divorce. Have access to them and make copies before filing for a divorce.
  • Determine Your Custody Goals: If you have children, obtaining child custody is probably the main issue when getting a divorce. Make a list of your children’s healthcare providers, key events, and other important noted that will help refresh your recollection as you prepare related court documents.
  • Plan Ahead Financially: Plan about where you are going to live and how you’ll meet your daily needs. But remember that you’ll be required to account for the money you take from accounts you share with your spouse after filing the divorce.
  • Talk to an Attorney: You don’t want to be in a position where your spouse can drain the bank accounts or run up bills in your name. Your attorney may advise you to leave the accounts as they are or close them.

If you’re facing a family law dispute in Los Angeles, it’s imperative to understand all of the legal options that you may have. Contact our officesat 310-695-5212 to schedule a complimentary consultation. We’d like to discuss your case in its entirety. We’ll listen to your story and needs, answer any questions you may have, and determine the best legal strategy for your case. Even if you’ve previously worked on your case with another attorney, we’ll review the history and summary of your case in order to determine the best course of action. We’ll do everything we can to promptly and professionally resolve your family law problems.

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Why Choose Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer?

Understanding the Los Angeles Divorce Process

If you and your spouse have been married for less than five years and have limited debts and assets, have no children, and don’t own real estate, you may qualify for a summary dissolution, which means that your case will not be determined by a judge. This process is much simpler and involves you and your spouse agreeing on how you will divide your debts and property and filing a joint divorce petition and agreement with the court. However, if this does not apply to your case, then you’ll have to go through the typical divorce process in California as explained below.

  • The process starts with one spouse (the petitioner) filing for a divorce and serving the other spouse (the respondent) with the paperwork.
  • The spouse who has been served has 30 days to respond to the petition by filing a Response.
  • One of the spouses may file a Request for Order form which involves the judge issuing temporary restraining orders child support, and child custody.
  • The spouses exchange documents and information relevant to the divorce proceedings, including a form that details the spouses’ separate and community property. This is known as the Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure.
  • The spouses alongside their lawyers discuss a settlement agreement. A Marital Settlement Agreement contract is drafted and signed if a settlement is reached. Conversely, the case will go to trial if the parties involved are unable to reach an agreement on all issues.
  • Once the trial has concluded or after the Marital Settlement Agreement has been signed, a Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage document containing all orders given by the court will be drafted and signed into a court record. Once this step is accomplished, the parties are legally divorced and can remarry.

Our Philosophy

Although Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer is a family law firm with multiple attorneys, we have common, core philosophies on how we should handle our clients and their cases. We believe that strategy, logic, and honesty are the key components to helping our clients with their sensitive family law matters. Clients need an attorney who’s honest when providing information about possible outcomes of the case and counseling as to what is imperative to the court. While other attorneys give absurd promises and tell clients just what they want to hear, we strive to provide our clients with a realistic analysis of the situation, so they’re able to make informed, rational decisions about how to proceed with their case. 

If you want to reach your goals, you have to make the right moves.  This includes our lawyers readily assessing the case, anticipating probable reactions from the other side, and coming up with a plan on how to best work towards the client’s interest and needs. Whether we’re negotiating a case or litigating in court, our overall strategy is to be thoroughly prepared. We also employ good attorney/client communication and work together as a team.

We approach cases from a logical, analytical standpoint while giving attention to detail. We assess the case as a whole and make sure that each step we take makes sense. In any family law dispute, emotions will run high and it’s easy for those involved to lose sight of the big picture. We do all we can to help clients understand that they’re engaged in a life-changing process as well as what things will look when the case is settled. Knowing that you’re represented by highly skilled and experienced lawyers will help you focus on the issues with a clear head.

What Sets Us Apart

  • Personalized Approach

At Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer, we understand that no two families are the same and each family law case is unique. For this reason, our lawyers work closely with clients to understand their needs and long-term goals. We work closely with you to create a legal strategy that will result in favorable outcomes and also help you make a successful transition to the next stage of your life. Whenever possible, we use mediation, collaborative law, and negotiations to achieve your goals with minimum expense and emotional stress. We also litigate aggressively in property division or child custody cases in order to protect your goals.

Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer has built a reputation in the greater Los Angeles area for personalized attention and care we give each client in addition to focusing on the best interests of our clients in the short and long-term. We offer attentive, accessible, and individualized legal representation.

  • Strong Client-Attorney Communication

We’re committed to the best interests of our clients and to make sure that they understand what to expect at every phase of their case. Beginning with an initial consultation and case review, Los Angeles Divorce Lawyers remain committed to regularly communicating with each client and ensuring the legal representation is tailored to the individual needs of the client. When you reach out to us, we strive to promptly answer your communication.

Our clients develop a personal trusting relationship with their lawyers and feel as cared for and safe as possible. We’ve developed many outstanding relationships with clients and this is why we get many referrals from past clients, local psychologists, opposing parties’ attorneys, and other family lawyers in the area.

  • Outstanding Representation

With a track record of constant client communication and aggressive courtroom representation, the attorneys at Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer are renowned for successfully handling family law cases throughout Los Angeles. We offer a complimentary, no-obligation initial consultation to help you understand where you stand and to also assess what direction you should take.

Our Practice Areas

Alimony/Spousal Support

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Child Custody

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Child Support

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Domestic Partnership

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Fathers’ Rights

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Legal Separation

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Marriage Law

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Postnuptial Agreement

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Prenuptial Agreement

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Spousal Support

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Contacting a Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer Near Me

No matter you need for a family law attorney, Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer has got you covered. Imagination, excellence, skills, and a passion for optimal results each time are hallmarks of our practice. Clients trust us because they know we have the resources and legal acumen to flawlessly handle their complex and sensitive issues. We strive to keep abreast changes in the law, the court system, and procedures in order to better serve our clients. We’re ready to be your advocate and guide you through these tough and uncertain times. What’s more, we maintain privacy and confidentiality in your case.

Contact our law firm today at 310-695-5212 to request a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. Let us show you the real meaning of intelligent and result-focused representation. 


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Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri: 8am-8am

Saturday: 8am-8am

Sunday: 8am-8am

Contact us today by calling 310-695-5212

We will give you a free, no-obligation consultation and can give immediate attention to your family law legal needs.

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